About Me
I'm a licensed professional engineer and full-stack software developer. I use my engineering expertise to create software that advances sustainable practices in the built environment and build the tools I wish I had when working solely as a design professional.
I have experience / interest in the following:
- high performance Python and software optimization
- domain-driven design
- data visualization and geospatial analysis
- research in sustainable design and embodied carbon accounting
- open source engineering software (FEA, interoperability, etc.)
- building digital tools to complement engineering expertise
- equity in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)
I currently work on a contract basis. Please feel free to reach out with any project ideas or opportunities for collaboration.
Skills and Services
Object-oriented open source Cython wrapper of Shewchuk's C Triangle library

Full-stack web application analyzing and presenting aggregate condition data for bridges within the U.S. based on the 2021 National Bridge Inventory.

Extensible geometric constraint solver written as a Cython library and integrated into Blender.

Soft Story Retrofits in Los Angeles
Interactive data visualization and map of the soft story retrofits missing/completed/verified in Los Angeles. Utilizes Maplibre and PostGIS to determine buildings still in need of retrofitting.

EC3 Environmental Product Declarations
Interactive data visualization of all the environmental product declarations in the EC3 database. Allows for comparison of aggregate EPDs by plant, company, and category with additional geographic (US) filtering by plant

Circular Algorithms (with Summum Engineering)
Investigation of databases of reclaimed materials within the Netherlands, including API probing and mapping. Project shown: De Warren by Natrufied Architecture (Photo courtesy Summum Engineering)

React-EC3-Speckle Embodied Carbon Starter App
Starter application and proof of concept for using Speckle to easily attach material information to IFC files and use the EC3 API for a rough embodied carbon estimate based on local material sourcing.

Sustainable Design in U.S. Communities
Data exploration and visualization of LEED (green building) rated projects in the U.S. since the formation of the U.S. Green Building Council. Projects are cross referenced against the U.S. Census Bureau's Disadvantaged Census Tract Data to explore the prevalence of sustainable design in disadvantaged communities (Staff pick from Observable team)

Los Angeles Demolition Permit Information
Using LA City Data to investigate the prevalence of building demolitions within the city over the past ten years. Done in collaboration with the Carbon Leadership Forum - Los Angeles Chapter.